We care for Healthcare

Healthcare Organizations leverage Virsae's Service Management Platform (VSM) to proactively optimize voice & video calls to enhance Clinician Wellbeing and Patient Experiences.

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Virsae ensures Healthcare organizations deliver seamless patient communications experiences, end-to-end, across all working locations. Data collected from Technical, Network, Device, and Room analytics fuel Dashboards, notifications, and workflows powered by Machine Learning so your IT and operations teams can proactively optimize every patient interaction.

End-to-end visibility across a distributed Healthcare Service

Enhance communications systems across multiple campuses and remote worksites with a Service Management Platform that delivers monitoring, alerts, workflows, and automation.

Reduce technology fatigue from patient experiences

Voice and Video call quality greatly improves with centralized network management, visibility & feedback loops. Find and fix proactively to reduce employee and patient fatigue.

Our post-pandemic world can’t afford to overlook the needs of essential healthcare workers. Healthcare professionals deserve tech that enhances, not impedes vital interactions. After all, when tech issues arise, they threaten the very reputation you rely on.

Alongside voice and video quality, contact center performance management was identified as the top priority in a 2022 Metrigy study that surveyed UC management feature priorities.

You’ll know when technology underperforms or goes down; there are significant negative impacts on patient-clinician care, reputation, and productivity.

Virsae’s AI-powered platform makes it simple to centrally manage voice, video, and network performance. Empowering IT to see and fix issues before they impact patient calls. Without management tools like Virsae, it's impossible to see and fix issues across hybrid environments.

Watch the demo below and schedule a time with our team to discuss how Virsae's Service Management platform can unlock immense value across your Healthcare communications environment.

Walkthrough Virsae's Contact Center & Unified Communications Analytics Platform with Ross Williams, our Chief Product Officer.